@dogsquadnft Collaboration

The @dogsquadnft collaboration features two common NFTs: one greyscale piece of art and a solid color “utility swatch.” Blend them to form a full color version. Blend all three to redeem a limited edition glimmering black version.

@dogsquadnft Collaboration


Learn more about @dogsquadnft and their amazing piece featured in this collaboration.


Please introduce yourself to our readers:

Hey all! My name is Mike Ice @mikeice1 the co-creator of DogsquadNFT. From California. Traveled the states as a Vivint smart home technician. Was an award winning artist at the Fresno fair freshman year of high school. Have always pursued art and gaming as two passions.

What was the inspiration for this piece?

The inspiration behind the project was to rescue as many dogs in Fresno County, CA. One of the worst homeless and not vetted dog places in the country. I currently work with “559 paw squad” myself and my girlfriend Justine have rescued over ten dogs through foster care this last year and wanted to expand their mission. 50% of proceeds go to them 25% to community and rewards and 25% to the artist and project growth.

Who are your artistic influences?

Artist influences are Renaissance painters and also some of the original concepts in the space. From BAYC to Cryptopunks. Simplicity I’ve found is key and the art drives the point with a message behind it.

What got you interested in NFTs/Crypto Art/Digital Collectibles?

First interest in NFTS was NBAtopshot and then I found wax and fell in love!

Where can we find you online?

Currently online is only Twitter:

Will be on WAX Blockchain.

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