“Neon Turkey”

“Neon Turkey” is the fourth original piece of art issued by @cryptoswatches founder Mike Macfadden (@mjmacfadden). Obtain the full color version by blending the greyscale swatch with the gradient swatch below.

“Neon Turkey” Original


Learn more about CryptoSwatch founder @mjmacfadden and his third original piece titled “Into the Sunset.”



About This Piece:

It’s Thanksgiving in the United States—one of my favorite holidays. It’s a time to pause, spend time with family, and reflect upon all that you are thankful for. After a crazy year and a half, this holiday is more meaningful to me than ever. I am grateful for all of the blessings that have come my way: family, friends, meaningful work, and an amazing community of digital creatives and collectors.

This piece, albeit corky, honors this special time of year. I am so thankful to everyone who has been a part of my NFT journey, and I can’t wait to exploring this intersection of art, technology, commerce, and collection.

If you’d like to learn more about my design process hit me up on Twitter @mjmacfadden.

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