@CryptoSwatches Original

“Pumpkin Spice” is the second original piece of art issued by @cryptoswatches founder Mike Macfadden (@mjmacfadden). The only way to get it is to blend the three solid color swatches featured below.

Pumpkin Spice Original


Learn more about CryptoSwatch founder @mjmacfadden and his second original piece titled “Pumpkin Spice.”



About This Piece:

Could this be the first ever pumpkin spiced NFT? I’m really not sure. I’ve done zero research. But if it is, the blockchain will remember.

For years, I’ve felt the pumpkin spiced craze has gotten out of hand. Coffee, beer, cookies. They all come in pumpkin flavor come September. I used to gripe about it and judge those with pumpkin spiced lattes in hand, but I realized something recently… pumpkin spice is awesome.

Yes it tastes good, but that’s not the point. Pumpkin Spice represents the changing of the seasons, hoodie weather, the anticipation of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and a magnificent display of autumnal foliage. It’s more than just a flavor, it’s a collective shared moment in time. It’s really pretty great.

And so I present to you, the world’s first (maybe) Pumpkin Spiced NFT. The most extreme expression of fall consumerism in the form of Pumpkin Spiced Albuterol. 

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