@thechairunivers Collaboration

The @thechairunivers collaboration features two common NFTs: one greyscale piece of art and a solid color “utility swatch.” Blend them to form a rare, full color version. Blend all three to redeem an even rarer black label version.

@thechairunivers Collaboration


Learn more about @thechairunivers and their amazing piece featured in this collaboration.


Please introduce yourself to our readers:

I am an anonymous artist, I live in Brazil and I am creating a unique and authentic universe of physical and digital collectibles.

What was the inspiration for this piece?

I was inspired by tales about ancient and forgotten civilizations. I believe that before me, chairs did not have the proper recognition, and were a kind of lost civilization that I found.

How long have you been creating in the digital world?

The planning was done more than 1 year ago, and the first wax mint is about 10 months old.

Can you tell us about your workflow?

I don’t have a graphics table, I talk to the chairs and they explain things to me and tell me about the chairs, and then I can draw all this with a regular pencil and then I move it to the computer, I finish using Adobe Illustrator.

Who are your artistic influences?

My biggest influences are collectibles like kinder, hotwheels, barbie, imaginext, max steel and others. Maurício de Sousa is the creator of Turma da Mônica, I grew up reading these comics with my family, so he is a big influence for me. My mother is a painter and seamstress, this influences me a lot too.

What made you interested in NFTs/Crypto Art/Digital Collectibles?

Since I was a child I have been passionate about collectibles and I create collections. I was looking for a way to sell my paintings digitally and didn’t know about the existence of nfts, so when I discovered Wax, my mind exploded.

Where can we find it online?

At opensea I launched the collection “The house of invisible things”, where descriptions of 100 invisible items tell the story of a lonely guy trapped inside his house.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I’m creating an extremely large universe, so there’s a lot of really cool and exciting news in the future.

I would like to thank you and your entire audience for sharing this space with me, I love collaborating and helping the collectibles culture to grow. Thank you very much.

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