@CyberDucksNFT Collaboration
@CyberDucksNFT CollaborationThe @CyberDukcsNFT collaboration features two common NFTs: one greyscale piece of art and a two toned gradient swatch. Blend them to form a full color version. Blend all three to receive a limited edition glimmering black version.Learn more...

The Santa’s Herd Pack
The Santa's Herd PackBLEND INGREDIENTS The Santa's Herd Pack comes with 10 crypto swatches. The most common of which are the wireframe reindeer and the green crypto swatches featured immediately below. These two can be blended to form any of the herd below the...

Arctic Gnomes
MAX SUPPLY 202MAX SUPPLY 100MAX SUPPLY ∞MAX SUPPLY ∞Arctic Gnome SeriesThe complete "Arctic Gnome Series" features four cryptoswatches. The first was obtained through participation in the 2021 advent calendar collaboration by @Crackers832. The second was a reward for...

@AstroKutyz Collaboration
@AstroKutyz CollaborationThis collaboration features two common swatches—a still from @AstroKutyz epic animation and a gradient swatch from @CryptoSwatches. Blend them together to form the limited edition, fully animated version. Blend all three of those to form the...

“To The Moon” Original
"To The Moon""To The Moon" is the fifth original piece of art issued by @cryptoswatches founder Mike Macfadden (@mjmacfadden). Obtain the full color version by blending the greyscale swatch with the solid swatch below. Obtain the glimmering black version by blending...

@bretblackberg Collaboration
@bretblackberg CollaborationThe @bretblackberg collaboration features two common NFTs: one greyscale piece of art and a solid colorful swatch. Blend them to form the full color version. Blend all three to receive a limited edition glimmering black version.The...

AvatarFolksNFT Promo

“Neon Turkey” Original
"Neon Turkey""Neon Turkey" is the fourth original piece of art issued by @cryptoswatches founder Mike Macfadden (@mjmacfadden). Obtain the full color version by blending the greyscale swatch with the gradient swatch below.Learn more about CryptoSwatch founder...

Into the Sunset Original
"Into the Sunset""Into the Sunset" is the third original piece of art issued by @cryptoswatches founder Mike Macfadden (@mjmacfadden). Obtain the full color version by blending the greyscale swatch with the tricolor gradient swatch below.Learn more about CryptoSwatch...

Pumpkin Spice Original
@CryptoSwatches Original"Pumpkin Spice" is the second original piece of art issued by @cryptoswatches founder Mike Macfadden (@mjmacfadden). The only way to get it is to blend the three solid color swatches featured below.Learn more about CryptoSwatch founder...